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SwissLegal at the International Round-Table at the University of Bordeaux

Nicolas Rouiller, partner lawyer of Rouiller&Associés Avocats SA, Doctor of Law and Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Moscow University of Finance, presented on 4 June 2019 at the University of Bordeaux the General Report of the second of the 2019 International Days of the Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, devoted to solidarity economy.

What legal instruments should be made available to entrepreneurs to enable them to contribute to solving the social and ecological problems of our time, at a time when public resources are already heavily used? Nicolas Rouiller first put the issue into its historical, legal and sociological context - from Adam Smith's invisible hand to the consequences of the 2008 financial crisis - before leading a very lively round table during which the national rapporteurs each presented the instruments existing in their country, some of them for a very long time. What seems like a UFO in the Swiss legal world is a living reality in France, Luxembourg or Colombia, to name but a few. Nicolas Rouiller's general report and the national reports received great recognition!

We like to congratulate Nicolas Rouiller to his great success and also for his contribution as representative of SwissLegal being part of this international round table.

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SwissLegal at the International Round-Table at the University of Bordeaux


SwissLegal - News from our network

SwissLegal - News from our network

The 2nd edition of the Stämpfli commentary on inheritance law has been published! Eleven years after the first edition, it is the result of the work of eighteen authors under the direction of the scientific co-editors Dr. iur. Antoine Eigenmann and Dr. iur. Nicolas Rouiller, lawyer and partner of the law firm SwissLegal Rouiller & Associés Avocats SA.

Authors: Nicolas Rouiller, Dr. iur. Antoine Eigenmann

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SwissLegal Autumn Meeting 2023

SwissLegal Autumn Meeting 2023

Last Tuesday, September 5, 2023, it was that time again: The lawyers of the SwissLegal Group gathered for the Autumn Meeting in Zurich, where a varied program awaited them with news from the Group, with professional (interactive) exchange on selected topics as well as professional inputs and experiences from the recruiting front.

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Mehr Flexibilität für Generalversammlungen und Verwaltungsratsbeschlüsse

Mehr Flexibilität für Generalversammlungen und Verwaltungsratsbeschlüsse

Seit dem 1. Januar 2023 gelten die revidierten Aktienrechtsbestimmungen, welche die Einberufung und Beschlüsse der Generalversammlung und des Verwaltungsrats via elektronische Mittel, auf schriftlichem Weg, in virtueller oder hybrider Form zulassen. Der beiliegend abrufbare Artikel unserer Rechtsanwältin Dr. Maja Baumann gibt einen Überblick über die heute verfügbaren Möglichkeiten.

Author: Maja Baumann

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