Перейти к содержанию

Предметные области


  • University/High Court of the canton of Bern, Attorney at Law (1995)
  • University of Zurich, LL.M. UZH (2008)
  • Lucerne Universitiy/FHZ, CAS finance- and controlling for lawyers (2017)

Опыт работы

Casual and Property Underwriter with an international Swiss insurance company

Legal Counsel of various global IT- and finance companies

Business Manager with a global leading IT-Supplier

General Counsel with a Swiss FinTech company


Datenschutz in der KMU-Praxis


Martin FreyCharlene Kramer
Unternehmensführung und Recht - Regulatorisches Umfeld für KMU, 2., erweiterte Auflage, DIKE, 2020
ISBN 978-3-03891-155-5

Все публикации